Off-Site Lodging
Billingsley Creek Lodges: (2 Miles Away)
Billingsley Creek Lodges offer 11 cabins on the banks of Billingsley Creek that occupy anywhere from 1-4 students at $75-$130 per night. Check their photo gallery out here: Gallery You can book your party online at this link: Book Billingsley Creek Lodges If booking online, enter "Shaw Shooting" into their comment box to receive a discounted price.
For any additional information, call Billingsley Creek Lodges at 1-208-837-4822.
Hagerman Valley Inn: (1 Mile Away)
Hagerman Valley Inn offers 16 hotel rooms that occupy anywhere from 1-2 students from $68-$86 per night. Check their photo gallery out here: Gallery You can book your party online at the link: Hagerman Valley Inn If booking online, enter "Shaw Shooting" into their promotional code box to receive a discounted price.
For any additional information, call Hagerman Valley Inn at 1-208-837-6196.
Thousand Springs Winery, Bed, and Breakfast: (5 Miles Away)
Thousand Springs Winery offers a full service bed and breakfast with 3 suites on the banks of the Snake River that occupy anywhere from 1-2 students per suite from $155-$250 per night. Check their photo gallery out here: Gallery
For any additional information, call 1000 Springs Winery at 1-208-352-0150.
Boat House: (Recommended)
River House: (Next door to River Cabin)
River Cabin: (Next door to River House)
The River House and River Cabin are down river from the Boat House but students can navigate back in forth via boat, paddle board, canoe, or pedal boat.
Billingsley Creek Guest House: Sleeps 4